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Review Posting T&C's

All reviews posted on The Patchbay are legitimate reviews only verified customers can add after purchasing genuine items.

We believe in opening ourselves and our creators to fair & honest feedback. This helps us and our creators make a better end result.

You can do this in your order history or, by invitation via email.

  1. You must provide fair, honest & true feedback based on your true personal experience.
  2. Reviews with 3 stars of less must contain at least 300 characters, provide enough context for the platform & sellers to improve & enough context for the market users to understand.
  3. Negative reviews cannot be left for client side issues.

Tastes are subjective, one mans trash is another mans treasure.

Please try to review the item or service of whether or not what was advertised was delivered.

Try to review it based on the quality of the end item or service.

Review based on your experience and service provided by The Patchbay.

Reviews not following the rules will be deleted.

We do not delete genuine reviews following the rules.

If below 3 stars state why so that the marketplace users are able to make an educated decision and the seller and / or marketplace know where things went wrong.