TAL J-8 Volume 1 by Arcade Summer
Customer feedback
So you bought TAL Jupiter plugin, Well take the folder with the "presets" that came with you already know boom trash where it belongs cus ya boy Brad has got you covered with I don't even know how many a lot of presets that are perfect for that overarching race of disco musics you try to make in your dads attic
Awsome presets! Carefully crafted and usable immediately in my new tracks. Got some other soundpacks from Arcade Summer and those are high quality too. Check them out!
Great sounding presets, capturing the unique Jupiter sound.
I wanted to really like this as I found Arcade Summer funny and engaging, but I should have followed my instincts when I noticed that the demo for this was really put together in a sloppy, haphazard way. Someone pointed out that the sounds were not even catagorized and I didn't think that would be a big deal to do it myself, but even the names of the patches are not clearly delineated so it is impossible to know which folder they might best fit. This guy is obviously a talented sound designer, and musician but I feel he may be "phoning in" some of these preset packs. I bought Luftrum's J-8 pack and nearly EVERY sound is awesome. In this preset pack, about 1 of 10 is even usable, most are dry and boring. I hate leaving this review, cause I like the guy but please don't waste $ on this. There are MUCH richer sounding preset packs by people who've taken the time to be sure their name is attached to perfection.
Can’t wait to buy more top class synthwave presets from The Patchbay